Monday, June 18, 2012

Welcome....I think......

To those of you who have stopped by to see what this blog is about, I say welcome! Actually I'm shocked. No really, absolutely shocked. When I said I was going to start my own blog, I was not counting on anyone except myself to read it. Actually, I paid some bum at the corner to come visit the library so he could read my blog. Hopefully he's ok.

The idea to start this blog came to me from a series of events in my life that can only be described as comical. I figured that in between my life experiences and dealings with people, therapy is probably a necessity at this point. But I'm cheap and have an aversion to doctors. But mostly I'm cheap. The only thing that separates this blog from the others already out there is that this purely my take on on whatever it is I've decided to write about. So if your expecting some great works of writing, um, that's a lot of pressure for me. Please see therapy remark listed above. Of course, with any grand opening, there must be something to keep the audience interested, and waiting for more. (Sorry, no door prizes here.) But I did include a pretty nifty video of one of my all-time favorite characters singing. The song, in my opinion, epitomizes this blog. So without further ado, I present to you, you gluttens for punishment, my blog.  Feel free to leave a comment if anything I write warrents one.
